To help you make sure you are considering all of the key issues when thinking about starting a business in Spain, we have put together the following straightforward checklist of the key steps you need to take.
| To do | Completed |
1 | Decide what business you want to set up |
2 | Instruct your independent lawyer (hopefully Judicare) |
3 | Look at the cost of setting up the business. Fix a budget. Stick to it |
4 | Look at how you are going to finance the business to start with. Write a budget that shows monthly cash flow |
5 | Look at how you are going to fund your family until the business takes off |
6 | Look at who should own the business. |
7 | View locations and possible premises. Be honest with yourself about what you and the customers need |
8 | Look at tax obligations |
9 | Make a business plan |
10 | Speak to currency dealer about getting the best rate for any money you are transferring to Spain |
11 | Consider who your target audience / clients are |
12 | What are your language skills like—with clients, suppliers, the authorities etc |
13 | Consider exit plans if it goes wrong |
14 | Lawyer deals with purchase |
15 | What licenses do you need to obtain? |
16 | What documents need to be translated into Spanish |
17 | Look at what staff you need and obligations to them |
18 | Arrange insurance – contents / buildings / health / employers liability etc |
19 | Signature of title deeds and registration at the Land registry |
20 | Make a Spanish Will and review your English Will |
21 | Arrange for Fiscal representation and tax advice |
22 | Open your business and be successful |
Need help setting up a business in Spain?
Our UK-based legal team are highly experienced in helping clients to set up businesses in Spain or to transfer an existing business to Spain.
With a thorough understanding of both UK and Spanish law, we can provide clear, reliable legal guidance in plain English on everything from how to structure your business to buying property and understanding your tax obligations. That way, you can have complete confidence that everything is taken care of so you can operate your business effectively.
Call: 01438 840 258 Email: