News and Events


Will Spain really impose a 100% property tax for non-EU residents?

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For some time now Spain has faced a shortage of properties for locals to live in, with house prices soaring and rental properties in short supply.  As a consequence of this Pedro Sánchez, the Prime Minister of Spain, has announced in recent days...

French Bank Claim successfully settled - Case Study

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As we continue to address the historic mortgage issues which face thousands of foreign property owners in the UK, we have in recent days successfully settled another French mortgage issue for one of our clients. After many years of worry and anxiety for our...

Have you received a hand delivered letter from Baker Tilly in Cyprus?

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In recent days we have been contacted by a growing number of concerned individuals in the UK who have been receiving visits at their homes from process servers attempting to “serve” letters to them from a company in Cyprus called Baker Tilly....

Should you consider paying money just to make an offer on a property in Spain?

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We have recently seen a number of estate agents in Spain asking prospective buyers to pay an amount of money to them before they will even put forward an offer on a property to the Seller. Is this normal practice in Spain and is it necessary or advisable to...

Spanish Bank threat successfully settled - Case Study

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In recent days we have been able to successfully settle another a long-standing Spanish mortgage issue for one of our clients. After more than 15 years of worry and anxiety that the Bank would pursue them in the UK and the fear, they may one day lose their...

Claims Management Companies warned over using their FCA status to boost unregulated work

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Claims Management Companies (CMCs) are still producing “misleading, unclear and unfair advertising”, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has said. The regulator also accused some CMC’s of using FCA authorisation to...

Have you received a warning letter from a Company called doValue in Cyprus?

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Thousands of individuals in the UK will no doubt have received in recent days a recorded delivery WITHOUT PREJUDICE Warning Letter at their homes from a company in Cyprus called doValue. The letters relate to historical issues which have arisen between these...

Can you really be served with legal papers via WhatsApp?

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In recent days we were contacted by a potential client asking us the seemingly rather strange question – “can you really be served with legal papers via WhatsApp?” The simplified answer, surprisingly (or maybe not in today’s ever...

Cyprus Bank Claims successfully settled - UK Charging Orders to be removed

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In recent weeks we have been able to successfully settle a number of long-standing Cypriot mortgage issues for our clients. After many years of worry and anxiety that the Bank in Cyprus would pursue them in the UK, and the fear they may one day lose their...

Title Deeds in Cyprus - Can you purchase property in Cyprus which does not have a Title deed?

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A property CAN be transferred through sale to another individual even if a Title deed has not yet been issued, as this phenomenon is rather common in Cyprus. When it comes to owning a property in Cyprus, it is surprisingly true, that it is not necessary to...

Banco Santander in Spain sells further nonperforming loans as part of a 1.1 Billion Euros deal

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It has been reported that Spain’s Banco Santander has agreed to sell further housing loans which formed part of a portfolio of distressed loans. The purchaser of the loans is being reported as being the US private equity fund Cerberus and the real...

What is a Vulture Fund?

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A “Vulture Fund” is an investment fund that will seek out and purchase securities in distressed investments, such as non-performing loans (NPL’s) from foreign banks. Typically, these NPL’s are loans or mortgages taken out on...

Spanish Bank claim successfully settled - Case Study

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In recent weeks we have been able to successfully settle a long-standing Spanish mortgage issue for one of our clients. After almost 10 years of worry and anxiety that the Bank would pursue them in the UK and the fear, they may one day lose their property in...

Are you getting debt letters or calls from Baker Tilly Cyprus? And who are Baker Tilly?

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Thousands of individuals in the UK will have been receiving calls or recorded delivery letters at their homes from a company in Cyprus called Baker Tilly in relation to a Swiss Franc housing loan previously taken out with Alpha Bank in Cyprus. Most of...

Over 1 million Euros saved for clients in the first week of January

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It has been quite a start to the year as we have been successful in releasing clients from over 1 million Euros of foreign property Bank debt in multiple jurisdictions. As a leading law firm in this specialised area, our significant experience gives our...

Alpha Bank in Cyprus sell off more loans to SKY CAC Ltd as they seek to recover losses.

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In recent days, hundreds of clients of the Alpha Bank in Cyprus will have received from their Bank a Registered letter informing them that they (the Bank) have now transferred their Loan/ credit facility to a third party. The third party who have now...

If you are served in the UK with a Writ of Summons from a Cyprus Court, what immediate action should you take?

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It has been the case for the past decade or so that the purchasers of immovable properties in Cyprus who had taken out a Loan with a Cyprus Bank in the Swiss Franc Currency (CHF) in order to fund their property purchase, and who – for whatever reason...

Have you been notified of a "Charging Order" on your UK property in favour of a foreign Bank?

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In the past week we have again been contacted by clients who have been informed that a Charging Order has been placed on their UK property. The applicable Order was as a result of a previous Judgement being issued against the clients in a Court in Cyprus. ...

I have received a letter from Axactor regarding a mortgage debt in Spain

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We continue to receive instructions from clients who have recently been contacted in relation to a historical debt in Spain. The debt in Spain exists as a result of a previous property purchase made by these clients in Spain. The clients are now receiving...

Alpha Panareti litigation in Cyprus

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We are aware that clients who had previously purchased a property in Cyprus through the Cypriot developer Alpha Panareti are now receiving notice that they (the clients) will be served imminently with a legal Action from Alpha Panareti against them from the...